Managing a restaurant is not a simple as there are so many functions that management has to perform, so the only option is to divide the work within the team, for that reason every employee should be punctual. As a management, it is your responsibility to utilize your resource effectively.
As a management you should know whether your employees are coming on time or not, whether they are leaving early or taking long breaks other than break hours, but keeping track of each employee is never easy, but to make your work simple Cozy POS has introduced employee attendance tracking module.
With the employees attendance tracking module,you should be able to do :
- Clock-in/Cloock-out for all employees
- Non-POS employee such as waiter,sweeper etc restricted upto login screen,only for clock-in & clock-out purpose.
- Break-In & Break-out available to track break timings and actual working hours.
- Calculate employee working hours through POS
- Employee attendance reports available